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Reporting / Re: Event Studio Question
Last post by dougp - Today at 10:20:37 AM
That looks like instructions.  I don't use Event Studio much so I figured it was time for a refresher.  Coupling those instructions with some help from the Cognos Analytics documentation, I was able to do what you requested.  What part are you unable to follow?
Framework Manager / Re: [Update 12.0.4 FP1] Prompt...
Last post by Xenobiologist - Today at 04:02:36 AM
Yes, it is all working fine in Cognos 12.0.3.
But now in Cognos 12.0.4 it doesn't work anymore.
We are on DB2LUW DB2 v11.5.9.0 and also the single server installation of Cognos runs on Linux_86.

Yes, the expression returns true/false.
Reporting / Re: Event Studio Question
Last post by pwchristian - Yesterday at 03:45:16 PM
The google AI bot does say it's possible but I don't see this part configurable in Event Studio "Within your event agent logic, iterate through each event instance in the event list".  Any idea what this is?


To pass multiple event instances to multiple reports in IBM Cognos Event Studio, you can create an agent with a single "Run a Report" task that is configured to accept multiple prompt values, then loop through each event instance in your event list, passing the relevant data as prompt values to the report when executing the task for each event.
Key steps:
Set up the report with appropriate prompts:
Ensure your report has prompts that can handle multiple values, allowing you to pass data from multiple event instances at once.
Create an Event Studio agent:
In the "I want to" section, select "Add a task" and choose "Run a report".
Select the desired report and configure the prompt values under "Options" to "Use an item" from the event list.
Loop through event instances:
Within your event agent logic, iterate through each event instance in the event list.
For each event, extract the relevant data that should be passed as prompt values.
Set these values as prompt inputs for the "Run a report" task.
Reporting / Re: Event Studio Question
Last post by pwchristian - Yesterday at 02:49:00 PM
Yeah I tried it but I have the same result. Any other ideas? 
Framework Manager / Re: [Update 12.0.4 FP1] Prompt...
Last post by dougp - Yesterday at 11:34:23 AM
Maybe I'm not understanding something, but if I'm reading the error message correctly, this should not have worked before:

IF val = cast('2222-02-22'; date))
      a <= localtimestamp
  AND b > localtimestamp
      a <= val
  AND b > val

THEN and ELSE should each return a value.  It looks like they are performing comparisons.  Does this actually return TRUE or FALSE as output values?

What RDBMS are you using?
Framework Manager / Re: [Update 12.0.4 FP1] Prompt...
Last post by dougp - Yesterday at 11:23:34 AM
So, it works with these?

DATE '2025-01-15'
DATE '2025-01-17'

And I don't understand this code:
--> Cognos 12.0.4 --> DATE '2025-01-16'
--> before '2025-01-16'
Reporting / Re: Event Studio Question
Last post by dougp - Yesterday at 11:22:02 AM
Did you try
in promptmany()?
Framework Manager / [Update 12.0.4 FP1] Prompt mac...
Last post by Xenobiologist - Yesterday at 08:15:58 AM

I've just updated to 12.0.4 FP1 and now we are facing this error:

#prompt ('pAuswertungsdatum'; 'date'; '2222-02-22')#
--> Cognos 12.0.4 --> DATE '2025-01-16'
--> before '2025-01-16'
DATE '2025-01-16' leads to syntax error:
XQE-V5-0011 V5-Syntaxfehler in Ausdruck "IF (cast(DATE '2025-01-16'; date) = cast('2222-02-22'; date))
THEN ( [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_AB] <=  localtimestamp AND [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_BIS]  > localtimestamp)
      (  [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_AB]  <= cast(DATE '2025-01-16'; timestamp)  AND [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_BIS]  > cast(DATE '2025-01-16' ; timestamp)  )
   )" gefunden. Ungültiges Token "DATE" gefunden nach "IF (cast("

Any idea how to fix that?
Reporting / Event Studio Question
Last post by pwchristian - 15 Jan 2025 02:48:24 PM
Hey everyone, could anyone help tell me if this is scenario is possible please?  If you have an event that, for example, the expression looks for orders that were created in the database in the past 5 minutes. 

Then there is a task to run a report, passing the order parameter to the report with method "as an item", and another task to auto-email you the order # in the subject line and attach the report to the email.

The report's query is just:  select order from orders_table where order = #prompt('Order')#

This works until there's multiple order created within 5 minutes.  For instance, if there is 2 orders ,I will receive 2 different emails with subjects ORDER1 and ORDER2, but the attached report in both emails will only run the query for ORDER1.

I appreciate any help please

Reporting / Re: Filtering out values on a ...
Last post by MDXpressor - 15 Jan 2025 11:27:12 AM
My initial reaction to this is to apply the filter AFTER auto-aggregation.  In the property pane of the filter, you should see a property for Application, and it defaults to before auto-aggregation.  The short description of this is before auto-aggregation filters out any records at the database.  After auto-aggregation, allows all the records into the query, and then filters the results of the calculation.  My screen shot shows the example, and Cognos' more robust description of the Application proptery's impact.